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Fee Schedule

  • Fee Schedule
  • Merit Scholarships

Fee Schedule

Selected candidates are required to pay the fee as per the schedule given below:

Particulars Due Date Fee (amount in ₹)
Admission Fee on the day of Personal Interview 20,000
Semester I Fee August 29, 2025 1,25,000
Semester II Fee December 26, 2025 1,25,000
Semester III Fee July 27, 2026 1,25,000
Semester IV Fee December 26, 2026 1,25,000
Semester V Fee July 26, 2027 1,25,000
Semester VI Fee December 24, 2027 1,25,000
Semester VII Fee July 25, 2028 1,25,000
Semester VIII Fee December 26, 2028 1,25,000
Semester IX Fee July 24, 2029 1,25,000
Semester X Fee December 24, 2029 1,25,000
TOTAL 12,70,000

Caution Deposit:
Students of B.Arch Program are required to pay a caution deposit of Rs. 10,000 along with the first semester fee. The caution deposit will be refunded without interest and after adjusting for dues, if any, to the students on completion of the program. Caution deposit and Security deposit are not adjustable against Program Fee and other dues.

Accommodation and Transportation:
Limited hostel rooms are available at the campus. Day Scholars can avail bus facility from City to Campus on payment basis.

Bank Loans:
Several public and private sector banks provide educational loans to applicants. Applicants seeking educational loans may approach the respective bank branches.

ISArch offers Merit Scholarships to the students pursuing the B.Arch Program. The scholarships are based on past academic record in Class XII and Semester-wise performance during the B.Arch Program.

A. M erit Scholarships based on past academic record: Merit Scholarship based on past academic Record is provided to students on the basis of percentage achieved in qualifying examination. he details are as presented in the following table.

Program Percentage (%) achieved in qualifying (10+2 or equivalent) Amount of merit scholarship given in the semester-I and to be adjusted in the semester-I Fee in (percentage) (₹)
B. Arch. (5 years)
≥ 95 1,25,000 (100%)
≥90 to < 95 1,00,000 (80%)
≥ 85 to < 90 75,000 (60%)
≥80 to < 85 50,000 (40%)
≥75 to < 80 25,000 (20%)

** Above scholarship amount will be adjusted equally in 10 installments in each semester fee payable.

B. Merit Scholarships based on Semester-wise Performance:
Merit scholarship in subsequent semesters shall be provided based on the academic performance of the previous semester. Scholarship amounts are calculated as per the scheme given below..

Academic Performance (CGPA) Category I
Category II
≥ 8.50 - 9.00
Category III
≥ 8.00 - < 8.50
Percentage of semester fee offered as merit scholarship 30% 22% 15%
Program Semester Fee Amount of Scholarship (₹) per semester
B.Arch. 1,25,000 37,500 27,500 18,750