Message from the Director
- Presently, in India, there is a need for a top-quality, new-generation institute to develop young talent to deal with contemporary social, political, economic and public policy issues by using interdisciplinary perspectives.
- We also need incisive researchers for conducting systematic and scholarly studies of those issues, and to share futuristic ideas that will serve as foundation for establishing our nation’s preeminence in the global quest for sustainability.
- There is strong evidence to support education and research in the social sciences in our country, since they help create better institutions and systems that affect people’s daily lives.
- It is almost impossible to ignore the myriad ways in which social sciences help us understand, create, and engage with institutions that shape our lives.
- Following the vision of the New Education Policy, ICFAI School of Social Sciences, a constituent of the ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education (IFHE) aims to emerge as a place of value-laden and vibrant teaching and research activity.
- It aims to move towards developing the institution further and holistically in terms of offering top-quality higher education and conducting insightful and pragmatic research in many areas of social sciences.
- It is designed to integrate the diverse knowledge domains constituting the social sciences, including economics, psychology, sociology, political science and public policy/administration, and prepare our students for a long and fruitful work life across a broad range of career opportunities.
- The teaching-learning systems and processes are marked by strong theoretical-conceptual and practical foundations for knowledge application and even creation involving the use of well-establishing as well as advanced quantitative and qualitative methods of mathematical and statistical modeling of social structures, processes, survey-based experiments, and social systems analysis.
- Students are exposed to the latest body of knowledge through the contemporary, industry-focused and socially relevant curriculum.
- Our aim is to help students become well-rounded individuals who can critically think and solve real world problems.
- With a focus on holistic development, interdisciplinary education, and global exposure, the School is committed to lead the way in producing future ready professionals who can excel in a dynamic and ever-evolving job market.
- I extend a warm welcome to those who wish to pursue graduation and higher studies from ICFAI School of Social Sciences.
Prof (Dr) C S Shylajan
Director, ICFAI School of Social Sciences