Research and Publications (Journal Articles)
- The major thrust areas in which research activities are being pursued are Agriculture Economics, Capital Markets, Development Economics, Environmental Economics, Energy Economics, Financial Economics and International Economics.
- Faculty members also focus on SDGs and other sustainability issues.
- Faculty members of the department have published research papers in reputed peer reviewed national and international journals such as Applied Economics, Empirical Economics, Journal of Quantitative Economics, Resources Policy, Tourism Analysis, The World Economy, Economic Modeling, Economic Systems, Economic Analysis and Policy, Indian Economic Journal, Indian Economic Review, Economic and Political Weekly, Indian Growth and Development Review, International Advances in Economic Research, International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, Productivity, Research in Finance, etc.Faculty members of the department have published research papers in reputed peer reviewed national and international journals such as Applied Economics, Empirical Economics, Journal of Quantitative Economics, Resources Policy, Tourism Analysis, The World Economy, Economic Modeling, Economic Systems, Economic Analysis and Policy, Indian Economic Journal, Indian Economic Review, Economic and Political Weekly, Indian Growth and Development Review, International Advances in Economic Research, International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, Productivity, Research in Finance, etc.
- Besides, the faculty members have published many books and chapters/articles in original/edited books, conference proceedings etc.

Research & Publications
Name of the author/s | Title of paper | Name of journal | Year of publication | ISSN number | Link to the recognition in UGC enlistment of the Journal | |
Link to article/paper/abstract of the article | Is it listed in UGC Care list | |||||
Ramakrishna Gollagari, et al | Import Tariff Reduction and Fiscal Sustainability: A Macro-Econometric Modelling for Ethiopia | Sustainability | Feb, 2023 | DOI:10.3390/su15043074 | Scopus-Q1 | |
Bhardwaj, Mandeep, Sushanta Kumar Mahapatra, Tanima Dutta, Jyotsana Bhangu | Growth and Potential of Intra-Industry Trade of India in Agriculture among the BIMSTEC Nations | The Indian Economic Journal | March 2023 | 2631617X | | ABDC-B, UGC CARE |
Vighneswara Swamy and Lagesh, M.A. | Does happy Twitter forecast gold price? | Resources Policy | March 2023 | 0301-4207 | | Listed in ABDC – B, Scopus Q1, and WOS |
Vighneswara Swamy and Lagesh, M.A. | Does Good Governance Influence Foreign Tourist Inflows? | Tourism Analysis | March 2023 | 1943-3999 | | Listed in ABDC – A, Scopus Business Q2, and WOS |
A K Panda , S Nanda, A Hegde and Rashmi Ranjan Paital | Revisiting the Drivers of Firm Value; An Empirical Investigation on Manufacturing Firms | Business Perspectives and Research | Mar-23 | 22785337 | | Scopus |
S Mahendra Dev | “Transformation of Indian Economy for Higher Growth and Equity” Article in honour of Prof. K.L. Krishna | Indian Economic Review, Delhi School of Economics | 2023 | |||
S Mahendra Dev | “Agriculture and Rural Areas in Budget 2023-24: A Need for Comprehensive Approach for transformation” | Economic and Political Weekly | Vol. LVIII, No.12, 2023 | ABDC-B | ||
Vighneswara Swamy | Adapting to Digital Disruption: A digital transformation strategy for Indian Banks | Bank Quest; Vol. (94, Issue. (3), pp. 9-17. July – Sep 2023 | 2023 | (ISSN 00194921) | UGC Care | |
P. Raja Lingam Goud, Topunuru Kaladhar, T. Sampath, | Impact of Government Investments in Education on the Growth of its Economy: A Study of 33 OECD Countries through Panel Co-integration, |
Empirical Economics Letters Vol.22; Iss.9; Pp.171-180 2023 |
ISSN 1681 8997 | ABDC-C | ||
D.Saravanan, Dr. Topunuru Kaladhar | A study on content based image retrieval using knowledge extraction technique | Asian and Pacific Economic Review | 2023 | 1000-6052 | ABDC-C | |
Rashmi Ranjan Paital | Estimation of short-run and long-run elasticities of automobile demand in India: an empirical analysis for the period- 1987-2020 | Applied Econometrics and International Development, | 2023 | 1578-4487 | ABDC-C,SCOPUS Q3 | |
Tamma Koti Reddy, VDMV Lakshmi | Role of Exports in Economic Growth: Evidence from India from India | Economic Affairs | 2020 | 0976-4666 | Scopus | |
Mahamallik, Motilal, Pareswar Sahu, Sushanta Kumar Mahapatra | Recommendations of the Fifteenth Union Finance Commission: Expectations and Realities | The Indian Economic Journal | 2023 | ISSN:00194662 | ABDC-B | |
Potharla, Srikanth, Sushanta Kumar Mahapatra, Surya Kumari Turubilli | Is Institutional Ownership Socially Responsible? Perspectives from Heterogeneity and Stability of Institutional Ownership | Global Business Review | 2023 | 0972-1509 | ABDC-C,SCOPUS Q2 | |
Dash, A. K. | Does foreign aid influence economic growth? Evidence from South Asian countries. | Transnational Corporations Review, 15(3), 72-85, Sep 2023, Elsevier Publication | 2023 | | ABDC C, SCOPUS, ESCI], H index 18, Q2 rank, Impact factor 3.5 | |
Laila Memdani and Debajani Sahoo | Better Rural Infrastructure and its Impact: An Analysis of Jharkhand State | Indian Economic Journal | 2022 | 0019-4662 | Hard Copy is available | ABDC-B and UGC Care |
Laila Memdani and Padmavathi.V | The Sri Lankan Economic Crisis - What Went Wrong? | ECCH and CRC | 2022 | products/view?id=188130 |
Laila Memdani and Padmavathi.V | Crude Oil Market and the Law of Supply | ECCH and CRC | 2022 | view?id=188100 |
M Aruna & IRS Sarma | An Empirical Ananlysis of Indian Industry: Production Function Approach | The Indian Economic Journal | 2022 | 0019-4662 | Hard Copy is available | ABDC-B and UGC Care |
Subhendu Dutta &Aruna k Dash | International tourism demand in India: An empirical insight | International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies | 2022 | 1752-0460, 1752-0452 | 10.1504/IJEPEE.2021.10042944; ingeneral/forthcoming.php?jcode=ijepee |
Scopus, Yes |
Lagesh M.A and Kasim C | Flood-induced vulnerability of a below sea level farming system in southern India: an assessment through coping strategy intensity | Disasters | Jul-22 | 0361-3666 | | ABDC -A |
Pooja Choudhary, Neeraj Kumar | Development of Technical Education in India: Shifting Focus from Quantity towards Quality and Initiatives of National Education Policy-2020 | The Indian Economic Journal | 2022 | 0019-4662 | Hard Copy is available | ABDC- B and UGC Care |
Chakradhara Panda,Alok Kumar Mishra,Aruna Kumar Dash and Hedaytullah Nawab | Predicting and explaining severity of road accident using artificial intelligence techniques, SHAP and feature analysis. International Journal of Crashworthiness(MAy 2022, Published online) | International Journal of Crashworthiness | 2022 | 1358-8265 Online ISSN: 1754-2111 | 13588265.2022.2074643 |
Scopus |
IRS Sarma, T Koti Reddy | The Impact of GDP on Unemployment: A Cross Country Analysis | The Indian Economic Journal | Dec-22 | 0019-4662 | Hard Copy is available | ABDC-B, UGC CARE |
Koti Reddy Tamma | Trends in the Public Finances of Rajasthan Economy | The Indian Economic Journal | Dec-22 | 0019-4662 | Hard Copy is available | ABDC-B, UGC CARE |
Chakradhara Panda, Aruna Kumar Dash and Devi Prasad Dash | Assessment of Risk Factors of Road Traffic Accidents: A Panel Model Analysis of Several States in India | Vision: The Journal of Business Perspectives | 2022 | 0972-2629, 2249-5304 | DOI: 10.1177/09722629221113251 | ABDC C, SCOPUS, ESCI, ABS, UGC-CARE (GROUP II) |
Devi Prasad Dash, Aruna Kumar Dash | Oil Consumption-pollution Dynamics in the Asia-Pacific Region: The Importance of Institutional Factors | Energy RESEARCH LETTERS | 2022 | 2652-6433; print ISSN: 2652-6514 | | Has been accepted for inclusion in Scopus since Jan 2023 |
Sangram Keshari Jena, Aruna Kumar Dash, Amarnath Mitra, Aviral Kumar Tiwari | Analysing the impact of FDI and globalization on tourism development | ANATOLIA | 2022 | 1303-2917,2156-6909 | 13032917.2021.1954043 |
SCOPUS, ABDC-B, Web of Science |
Bartosz Jóźwik,Phouphet Kyophilavong,Aruna Kumar Dash,and Antonina Viktoria Gavryshkiv | Revisiting the Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis in South Asian Countries: The Role of Energy Consumption and Trade Openness | Energies | 2022 | 1996-1073 | en15228709 |
Scopus, Web of Science |
Alok Kumar Mishra, Aruna Kumar Dash | Connecting the Carbon Ecological Footprint, Economic Globalization, Population Density, Financial Sector Development, and Economic Growth of Five South Asian Countries | Energy RESEARCH LETTERS | 2022 | 2652-6433; print ISSN: 2652-6514 | 001c.32627 |
Has been accepted for inclusion in Scopus since Jan 2023 |
Devi Prasad Dash, Aruna Kumar Dash, Narayan Sethi | Designing hydro-energy led economic growth for pollution abatement: evidence from BRICS. | Environmental Science and Pollution Research | 2022 | 09441344, 16147499 | s11356-021-17890-9 |
Scopus |
Alok Kumar Mishra, Aruna Kumar Dash | Development impact bonds in developing countries: an emerging innovation for achieving social outcomes | Journal of Social and Economic Development | 2022 | 0972-5792,2199-6873 | s40847-022-00213-0 |
Scopus, ABDC C |
Suresh KG, Akanksha Saxena, M. Srikanth | Comparing Financial Debt Choices of Existing and New SMEs in Indian Manufacturing Sector | Asia-Pacific Financial Markets(Online) | Oct-22 | 1573-6946 | 10.1007/s10690-022-09382-8 |
Rashmi Ranjan paital | Causal Relationship between Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth in India: 1987-2017 | Empirical Economic Letters | Aug-22 | 1681-8997 | ABDC-C | |
Rashmi Ranjan paital&NK Sharma | Trading Volume, Bid-Ask Spread and Stock Return Volatility: Intraday Evidence from Inadia | Empirical Economic Letters | Mar-22 | 1681-8997 | ABDC-C | |
Rajesh Barik, JK Parida, and S.KLenka | Financial Inclusion and Human Development in Indian States: Evidence from the post-liberalization periods | Indian Journal of Human Development, | December 31, 2022 | 0973-7030 | 09737030221141241 |
Rajesh Barik, and S.K Lenka | Does financial inclusion control corruption in upper-middle and lower-middle income countries? | Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science | 2nd December 2022 | 2509-7954 | s41685-022-00269-0 |
Rajesh Barikand S.S.,Pattayat, | How has the Covid-19 Pandemic affected Transgender Community People: Findings from a Telephonic Survey in Odisha? | Contemporary Voice of Dalit | June 13, 2022 | 2456-0502 | | SCOPUS |
Ramakrishna Gollagari, et al | Ethical Leadership and Students’ Satisfaction in Public Universities of Ethiopia: Mediating Role of Perceived Good Governance | International Journal of Public Administration | March, 2022 | 01900692.2022.2044859 |
ABDC-B, Scopus-Q2, WOS | |
Kiros s, Ramakrishna Gollagari | Environmental Economics Theories and Sustainable Use and Management of Ecosystem Services: An Application in Ethiopia | international Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research | May, 2022 | Environmental_Economics_ Theories_and_Sustainable _Use_and_Management_of_ Ecosystem_Services_An_Application _in_Ethiopia |
Vighneswara Swamy | Financial wealth effects and consumption expenditure | International Journal of Finance and Economics | April 2022 | 1099-1158 | | Listed in ABDC – B, Scopus Q2, and WOS |
Sushanta Kumar Mahapatra, Purna Chandra Pradhan and Pareswar Sahu | Is Public Expenditure Management Sufficient for Sustainable Fiscal Discipline?”, | Economic and Political Weekly | November 2022 | 2349-8846 | special-articles /public-expenditure -management-sufficient.html |
Listed in ABDC – B, Scopus Q2, and WOS |
Sushanta Kumar Mahapatra and Kaushik, P. | Effect of Sensex on direct tax collection: an empirical study from India | International Journal of Economics and Accounting | January 2022 | 2041-8698 | /IJEA.2021.10039140 |
Listed in ABDC – C, |
Devkota, N., Joshi, A., Khanal, G., Sushanta Kumar Mahapatra, Gautam, N., Paudel, U.R. and Bhandari, U. | Awareness on agricultural entrepreneurship among youth farmers: an empirical study from Western Nepal | Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies | June 2022 | 2044-0839 | JADEE-06-2021-0150 |
Listed in ABDC – C, Scopus Q1, and WOS |
Sriram, N., Sushanta Kumar Mahapatra, Amalendu Jyotishi, Viswanathan P.K. , | Environmental Kuznets Curve in the Context of Solid Waste Generation: A cross country analysis | Empirical Economics Letters | May 2022 | 1681-8997 | ABDC-C | |
Thapa, Anusha; Ghanashyam Khanal, Sushanta Kumar Mahapatra, Niranjan Devkota, Surendra Mahato, Udaya Raj Paudel | Identifying determinants of sustainable water management at the household level through rainwater harvesting systems in Nepal | Water Policy | October 2022 | 1366-7017 | | Listed in Scopus Q2, and WOS |
Kayastha, Neha, Niranjan Devkota, Sushanta Kumar Mahapatra, Ranjana Koirala, Udaya Raj Paudel and Seeprata Parajuli | Identifying Managerial Awareness Level on Negotiation and Conflict Resolution in Nepalese Banking Sectors: Descriptive Cross-sectional Analysis | Journal of Economic Sciences | December 2022 | 2958-0668 | jes.v1i2.a1 |
Maharjan, R., Devkota, N., Mahapatra, S.K., Paudel, U.R., Parajuli, S., Bhandari, U. and Karki, D. | Maharjan, R., Devkota, N., Mahapatra, S.K., Paudel, U.R., Parajuli, S., Bhandari, U. and Karki, D. Consumers’ Preference on Consumption of Brandy among Other Alcoholic Beverages in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal | Quest Journal of Management and Social Sciences | June 2022 | 2705-4527 | qjmss.v4i1.45866 |
Maharjan, Pragya; Niranjan Devkota, Sushanta Kumar Mahapatra, Ihtsham Ul Haq Padda, Krishna Dhakal, Surendra Mahato, Ghanashyam Khanal, Seeprata Parajuli, Udaya Raj Paudel, Ujjwal Bhattarai | FinTech Adoption among Online Grocery Buyers during COVID-19 Lockdowns in Nepal | Journal of Private Enterprise | September 2022 | 0890-913X | title=2022_Journal_of_Private _Enterprise_Vol_37_No2_Summer _for_printers_parte6, |
Listed in Scopus Q3, and WOS |