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Academic Features

  • The educational process at IcfaiTech is embedded with several academic flexibilities.

We list below the academic flexibilities that the students are entitled to:

  • IcfaiTech was one of the earliest engineering institutions to adopt and implement the choice-based credit system in the country.
  • The students are given the choice of choosing what courses they would like to study. The courses are offered in the form of electives.
  • The students can choose electives that are interdisciplinary and need not be the electives of their program. For example, a student of Computer Science and Engineering can choose an elective that is offered in Electronics and Communication Engineering or for that matter Data Science or Mechanical Engineering.
  • This choice of electives is possible as long as the student has satisfied the appropriate prerequisite conditions if any for that course.
  • There are certain courses amongst the offerings of the University that are neither part of programs nor available through electives.
  • Any student who wishes to take such courses can take them only on an audit basis and also on payment of additional fees.
  • The facility of taking a course on audit is principally conceived to allow a student to update his/her knowledge.
  • Apart from the prescribed number of electives in the curriculum, IcfaiTech also allows students to register for up to two additional electives.
  • These courses chosen can enable the student to gain additional knowledge in a specialised subject over and above the ones that he/she has chosen as electives.
  • Students can seek transfer from one program to another in the middle of a program without starting from the beginning.
  • This is possible because students are given credit for what they have done till then towards the requirements of the program to which they seek the transfer.
  • For further details, the Academic Regulations have to be consulted.
  • Since admission to a program is done on an assigned and competitive basis, there cannot be any scope of undoing the fact of an assigned admission through transfer.
  • Thus only exceptionally meritorious students in a limited number of cases can expect to compete for transfer to a more sought-after program.
  • On the other hand, transfer to a less sought-after program for students who are unable to cope with the rigors of the program in which they have been admitted would be readily used to rehabilitate themselves without much loss of time.
  • In any event, the transfer must be treated as an admission process.
  • All class rooms are air-conditioned and equipped with modern visual aids.
  • The IcfaiTech offers more academic flexibilities like allowing the students to learn during the summer term, transfer from one stream to another and auditing a course to improve their knowledge.
  • The students are encouraged to refer to the regulations for more details.