The USPs of IcfaiTech Hyderabad
- Dual Degree Program
- Interdisciplinary and futuristic curriculum
- Lateral Entry
- Academic Flexibility
- Choice Based Credit System
- Broad based and Interdisciplinary Education
- Internship
- Alumni
- Project Based Learning
- Internal & Continuous Evaluation
- Academic Counselling Committee

Dual Degree Program
The Dual Degree Program is offered for the first time in India by IcfaiTech, Hyderabad, to meritorious students. It provides students with a unique opportunity to complement their B. Tech or B.Sc. degree with another B.Tech. or B.Sc. degree of a different discipline. Thus, a learner acquires knowledge in two fields through this distinctive program. Students enrolled in various B.Sc and B.Tech Programmes are given an option to choose a Dual Degree Program at the end of the first year of their program. A B.Sc. student will have an opportunity to choose an additional B.Sc. or B.Tech. degree program of a different discipline based on their academic performance in the first year. Likewise, a student pursuing a B.Tech. Program can also have an opportunity to choose an additional B. Tech or B.Sc degree program of a different discipline. Thus, B.Sc. students may earn an additional B.Tech. degree or B.Sc. degree by spending two more years with us. Similarly, Engineering students who are also interested in science can earn a B.Sc. degree along with their B.Tech. degree. Alternatively, Engineering students can earn two B.Tech. degrees through the coveted dual degree program.
This program gives students the flexibility of choosing another area of specialization, and design the degree of their dreams. For example, a student enrolled in B.Sc Physics (or any B.Sc. Program) can opt for Dual Degree Program in B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering (or any B.Tech Program) and spare two more years to graduate in two disciplines. Similarly, a student enrolled in B.Tech. in Civil Engineering (or any B. Tech Program) can opt for B.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering (or any B. Tech Program) and achieve the degrees by merely spending one more year for their Dual Degree. It must be noted that the students will be admitted to their choice of course based on their academic performance in the first year of the course. Further, the learner is eligible to opt-out of the program at any given time and graduate with a single degree.
Multidisciplinary skills and diverse learning structures enable the students to enjoy the privilege of converging with the requirements of the job market. IcfaiTech, Hyderabad offers a host of Dual Degree Programs for the students- an unparalleled advantage propelling learners towards an excellent career with immense growth opportunities. The students can choose any two below-mentioned courses to avail the Dual Degree Program:
Four year integrated B.TechProgrammes in
- Civil Engineering
- Computer Science and Engineering
- Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
- Electronics and Communication Engineering
- Mechatronics
Three-year integrated B.Sc. Programmes in
- Data Analytics
- Mathematics
- Physics
The World Economic Forum estimates that young people will change careers, and a major percentage of skills required today will be different in the coming years. Multidisciplinary skills that provide diverse learning are and will be in higher demand in times to come. The Dual Degree Program empowers a student to choose a career in any of the two programs that he/she has opted for using the Dual Degree Program. It gives the learner an edge in the competitive global job market by widening their knowledge in two disciplines. The winning combination of skills set the student apart, making the Dual Degree Program an academically excellent choice or option for students who desire to expand their horizons in Sciences and Technology.
Interdisciplinary and futuristic curriculum
Our innovative and interdisciplinary educational approach is bolstered by an integrated and broad-based curriculum. At IcfaiTech, Hyderabad, a choice-based credit system is prevalent to enrich the curriculum that is restructured frequently to meet the requirements of the industry and academia. This enables the students to opt for interdisciplinary courses from a pool of available open electives apart from core courses (Readers may please refer to – Link of the page containing elaborate information on choice-based credit system). Our curriculum is built upon a strong foundation that also incorporates the latest techniques and technologies to prepare our students for the global market. Our pedagogy includes a gamut of tools, equipment, and instruction, creating proficient global leaders of the new age.
Enabling students to connect between ideas and concepts across different disciplinary boundaries, expands their learning experience. The interdisciplinary curriculum allows students to build their own pathway by choosing thematic courses that cross over the disciplinary boundaries of engineering and science. This allows the students to reflect on the relationship between the two disciplines, allowing them to comprehend concepts seamlessly. The futuristic curriculum embodies a learner-centric approach that emphasizes on problem-solving, and analytical thinking abilities, imbibing imagination and creativity while retaining the advantages of teamwork and collaboration. Learning experiences are designed to assist students to integrate and refine knowledge, further augmenting their careers.
Lateral Entry
IcfaiTech, Hyderabad offers Advanced Standing Admissions (lateral entry) in the second year of the respective discipline of B. Tech Programs to the aspirants who have cleared a Diploma/Polytechnic with 60% aggregate marks or equivalent CGPA, and are aiming to opt for higher education. The Lateral Entry in the Degree Program improves the students’ understanding of concepts, enhances their skills through in-depth knowledge of the domain, and also creates extraordinary career opportunities.Further, IcfaiTech, Hyderabad offers an incredible opportunity for the students to opt for the Dual Degree Program which allows students to complement their B. Tech or B.Sc. degree with another B.Tech. or B.Sc. degree of a different discipline. Thus, a learner achieves expertise in two fields through this distinctive program(Readers may please refer to – Link of the page containing elaborate information on Dual Degree Program).
Academic Flexibility
The educational process at IcfaiTech, Hyderabad is embedded with several academic flexibilities to ensure a learner-centric approach. Program Transfer (Within the same tier), Dual Degree Programs, Academic Freedom to the Students, Choice Based Credit System, Auditing Courses, Optional Electives, Departure from Normal Pace and, other flexibilities are bestowed upon the students for an enriching and gratifying erudite experience at IcfaiTech, Hyderabad each of the academic felicities is explained below.
i. Program Transfer (Within the same tier) IcfaiTech, Hyderabad allows the students to seek a transfer from one program to another in the middle of the course. For example, a student can opt for Program Transfer from B.Tech. Civil Engineering to B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering by the end of the 1st year of their course based on their academic performance in their first year. Since admission to a program is done on a competitive basis, only exceptionally meritorious students in a limited number of cases can expect to compete for transfer to a more coveted Program. On the other hand, transfer to a less sought-after program for students who are unable to cope with the rigours of the program in which they have been admitted would be readily available to rehabilitate themselves without much loss of time. In any event, the transfer must be treated as an admission process.
ii. Dual Degree Programs IcfaiTech, Hyderabad offers a host of dual degree possibilities for the students. The Dual Degree Program in Basic Sciences and Engineering is an innovative Program being offered for the first time in India. The student is presented with the unique opportunity to earn an engineering degree by spending two extra years after the regular B.Sc term of three years. The next Dual Degree Program entails the learner to choose dual engineering degrees. That is, the student can earn two B.Tech degrees in 5 years.
iii. Academic Freedom to the Students IcfaiTech, Hyderabad has been a pioneer in introducing innovative academic practices in the country. One such innovative practice that empowers the students to choose the subject/faculty in each semester, and design their personalized timetable
iv. Choice Based Credit System IcfaiTech, Hyderabad is one of the earliest engineering institutions to adopt and implement the choice-based credit system in the country. This system allows students to choose inter-disciplinary courses, intra-disciplinary courses, and skill-oriented papers as their electives (even from other disciplines according to their learning needs, interests, and aptitude). For example, a student of B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering can choose an elective that is offered in B.Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering or for that matter B.Sc in Data Science or B.Tech in Mechatronics. Further, the students design their personalized timetable by choosing the electives of their preference along with enjoying the flexibility to complete the program by earning the required number of credits at a pace decided by them. Eventually, this system qualifies the students to emerge with improved performances, outcomes, entrepreneurship skills and heightened innovative and creative flairs.
v. Audit Courses There are certain value-added courses amongst the offering of the University which is neither part of the Programs nor is picked by the student as Electives. The students can choose any course from any discipline to expand their knowledge without having the compulsion to appear for the examination. Any student who wishes to take such courses can take them only on an audit basis and also on payment of additional fees. The facility of taking a course on audit is principally conceived to give an opportunity to a student to appraise his/her knowledge.
vi. Optional Electives Apart from the prescribed number of electives as a part of the curriculum, IcfaiTech, Hyderabad also allows students to register for up to two additional electives. These courses chosen can be such that it enables the student to gain additional knowledge in a specialized subject over and above the ones that he/she has chosen as electives.
vii. Departure from Normal Pace The academic structure followed at IcfaiTech, Hyderabad enables a student to deviate from the normal pace of the Program into which the candidate has been admitted. That is the tenure of the student at the Institute may be decelerated or accelerated depending on the academic rigour of the student.
viii. Other Flexibilities The IcfaiTech offers more academic flexibilities that are unparallel. This includes admission in both semesters, allowing the students to learn during the summer term, and opportunities to enhance the knowledge by choosing a minor to focus on supplemental learning.
Choice Based Credit System
Enhancing academic excellence, IcfaiTech, Hyderabad is one of the pioneering engineering institutions to adopt and implement the choice-based credit system in the country. The institute empowers students to choose inter-disciplinary courses, intra-disciplinary courses, and skill-oriented papers (even from other disciplines according to their learning needs, interests, and aptitude). Also, through this system, the learners are provided the flexibility of creating their personalized timetable by choosing the electives according to their preferences. For example, a student of Computer Science and Engineering can choose an elective that is offered in Electronics and Communication Engineering or for that matter Data Science or Mechatronics. This choice of electives is possible as long as the student has satisfied the appropriate prerequisite conditions, if any, for that course. This system provides an opportunity for students to choose courses from what resembles a buffet, against the mostly fixed set of subjects along with the flexibility to complete the program by earning the required number of credits at a pace decided by the students. Eventually, this system qualifies the students to emerge with improved performances, outcomes, entrepreneurship skills and heightened innovative and creative flairs. Further, this system assists potential employers to assess the performance of students on a unified scale.
Broad based and Interdisciplinary Education
All four-year and three-year integrated First Degree Programs offered by IcfaiTech, Hyderabad are designed with a broad-based curriculum. A broad-based curriculum confirms a definite array of common courses to all the students who are pursuing different degree programs in Engineering and Science. The courses are broadly grouped into various categories as Analysis Oriented Courses (AOC), Discipline Courses(DC), and Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS). These broad spectra of courses enable the students to have a strong foundation and training in inter-disciplinary areas.
The major advantage of this commonality among all students is that it provides easy professional linkage, communication, and group activity, thereby ensuring the best possible peer group learning. This broad-based curriculum is further fused in stronger professional bond when students work as interns during the Internship Program or as members of a team working on time-bound research and development projects. Also, this model of offering a broad curriculum allows students to break out of the silos of single-dimensional education and empowers them to acquire multidisciplinary skills steering them towards a gratifying professional career ahead.
The Internship Program is a unique and integral part of the undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs offered by IcfaiTech, Hyderabad. The real-time work experience prepares the students to confront diverse challenges in their professional life. A controlled simulation of the real-life adopted at IcfaiTech, Hyderabad creates the circumstances and a formal method whereby the educational institution is linked with the industrial units, scientific laboratories, public sector undertakings, manufacturing units, and other organizations. The Internship programs are included in the credit system of evaluation of the students and they must complete all the academic courses prior to registering for the Internship Program, which enables the learners to apply their academic concepts in the professional arena. Furthermore, the faculty members of IcfaiTech, Hyderabad supervise, evaluate, and grade the students in consultation with the industry mentors.
The alumni of ICFAI Group have made us proud by being accepted in ivy league institutes and renowned companies across the globe. Together, ICFAI Group alumni contribute substantially to the growth of the nation by possessing exceptional knowledge, cognitive skills, leadership acumen, critical thinking ability, and a global perspective. These alumni achievements are a reflection of the world-class education that evolves students into global citizens with a worldview and conscience.
The workforce of the following reputed companies comprises of our alumni:

Alumnus Speaks:
Name : Mr. AbhinavPreetu
Batch : 2013-17
Current Organization : NowFloats, Hyderabad
Position : Software Developer
The journey at IcfaiTech, Hyderabad has been a memorable one. We had a wonderful faculty, great peers and an enthusiastic environment to grow. The exposure here is great. It’s due to IcfaiTech, Hyderabad that I got my Campus Placement.
Name : Ms. ShafaqueAhmreen
Batch : 2015-2019
Current Organization : Ministry of Education, UAE.
Time flies like an arrow. The days I spent in IcfaiTech were exactly like this proverb. Those four years were like four days which completed very fast. Many memories have been created. Life at IcfaiTech was the best journey ever. Environs of IcfaiTech were very nice just like a home and well disciplined. IcfaiTech provided us with the analytical skills and knowledge that we need. Every course was very organized and systematic. The knowledge I acquired in the B.Tech program helped me to crack the UAE govt job in first attempt. I believe my study at IcfaiTech encouraged me to develop a critical and inquiring attitude, an appreciation of interdisciplinary nature of subject areas and acceptance of people of different backgrounds. Apart from these, one thing which I learnt during College is “life is unpredictable”. It might be good or bad , weird or out of interest but during all bad time, faculties were like backbone for me and I could not resist myself in mentioning Ayeshwarya Raj- her name while writing my experience about IcfaiTech because she was the reason of all my smiles and pillar during my bad times. I cherish every moment spent at IcfaiTech. At last I cannot bind myself into words for writing my experience at college because it is so amazing. Although I am an engineer by profession, I am a writer and poet by heart so writing my experience in 4 lines in Urdu.
“lafzo me bayan nah karpayenge, kyamaine in chaarsaalo me paya.. haa par us taleemaurtajurbekesahare hi uper vale ne kamyabikisidipechadaya.. waqtkepannokopalatkarphir se vohaseenzindagijeenachahenge, rah gya jo bhikuchhadhura, kyakabhi use mukammalkarpayenge....” (meaning in English: I cannot express in words what I achieved in these 4 years, but what I can tell is that whatever success I got is because of almighty n the experiences. If I get the chance again, I want to go back to my college life and whatever things are left I will try to complete them)
Name : Mr. Ranjan Mishra
Batch : 2015-2019
Current Organization : University of Toronto
IcfaiTech is one of those institutes that strives to equip its students with the know how to take a step forward towards achieving their goals. Having completed my B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering in 2019, I now see a bright future ahead of me. Through the guidance of my peers and faculties, I have now stepped onto a greater stage of my career to scale new heights. Pursuing my Masters in Engineering at the University of Toronto, Canada in the field of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering I now understand the significance of the fundamentals imparted by my alma mater.
Name : Mr. Dharmesh Singh
Batch : 2004-08
Current Organization : Entrepreneur, Ahex Technologies, Hyderabad
IcfaiTech has given a great opportunity not just in studies but overall self development in a friendly and amazing multicultural environment. The 4 years spent here were splendid and has helped me to grow better professionally and personally. I could get opportunities to work with multinationals in IT like Tech Mahindra, CSC and Yash Technologies. Now I am able to carry on my Entrepreneurial journey ahead in my Travel Business and helping a start Up - N Cold Pressed in their Business Development.
Project Based Learning
Project-based learning is a dynamic classroom approach in which students actively explore a spectrum of real-world problems and challenges for a deeper understanding of concepts and expansion of knowledge. This course is intended to impart practical training to the students in third or higher levels through one specific semester assigned to real-time projects. The projects are person-oriented, individually supervised by a project guide, and involves different dimensions and complexities depending on the student's earlier background and the objectives of the projects.
Through this project-based learning approach, the students develop profound skills such as critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, and communication skills. Project-Based Learning unleashes contagious, creative energy among students and teachers. It also fosters imperative skills such as group work, autonomous learning, self-assessment skills, time planning, oral and written expression skills. It improves student motivation, which translates into better academic performance and greater persistence in academics.
Further, Technology Innovation Center (TIC) at IcfaiTech offers a parking space for start-ups and Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). Budding entrepreneurs having innovative ideas and seeking resources in terms of manpower and infrastructure are mentored and assisted by faculty members for the mutual benefit of the institute and the start-up. It is a platform for students of IcfaiTech to develop their corporate skills. Students are provided with ample opportunity to work on real-time problems solved by both start-ups and MSMEs. The students spend the entire duration of the semester working on real-time projects, which replicates the actual working environment of the industry. As a result, TIC enables the students to acquire knowledge on recent technologies, need of the industry and inculcate entrepreneurship skills to establish their own start-ups.
Internal & Continuous Evaluation
With modular, flexible, and interdisciplinary programs, IcfaiTech follows a semester system with frequent Internal Evaluation. Assessment of the academic performance of the students accounts for the marks obtained in assignments, regularity of attendance, participation in different activities like competitions, workshops, seminars, industrial training/ internships, sports, etc. and efforts taken by the student to improve her performance over the semester.
Academic Counselling Committee
Eminent personalities, academicians, and industrialists form the Academic Counselling Committee that evaluates the performance of each of the learners ensuring that they meet the expected minimum academic requirement for the program at the end of each semester.
The student has to maintain the following expected minimum academic requirement for the Program at the end of each semester:
- A student should not have secured more than one ‘E’ grade in the semester
- A student should have a CGPA of at least 4.50
- A student should have at least cleared with his/her latest performance, such courses (counted from the point of his/her entry into the Institute) as are prescribed for a period that corresponds to two-thirds of the number of semesters spent by him/her since his/ her entry into the Institute with reference to his/her current program. This means that at any stage of reckoning, the student should not have spent more than 50% extra time than what is prescribed for him/her up to that stage.
Failure to meet the requirements automatically brings the student under the purview of the ACC or the designated authority. The ACC takes immediate charge of the student and asks him/ her to follow a specific path so that he/she can be rehabilitated at the earliest. Once a student has been placed under the purview of the ACC, he/she should continue to be under its direct guidance until ACC is pleased with his/her overall progress and performance. Walking this extra mile promotes education and ensures that all the students learn and excel in their careers ahead.