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  • IBS has a unique and innovative approach to business education, which focuses on providing students the right knowledge, skills, and attitude.

As practice precedes theory in business, equal emphasis is placed on concepts and applications. This blending of ideas and actions is achieved through various pedagogic techniques like lectures, case studies, business games, the summer internship program, etc.

Business Modelling and Simulation

IBS includes business modelling and simulation games in its curricula for the programs.

Strong Industry Interface

With experts from a range of leading companies delivering regular guest lectures, and serving as members of various advisory boards.


A critical attribute for success in life is cultivating the right attitudes like positive thinking, risk-taking, opportunity seeking, adapting to change, and achieving a proper balance between divergent goals of life. IBS helps students develop the right attitudes, and encourages them to grow into balanced and well rounded individuals capable of taking up leadership positions anywhere in the world.


What matters most in business is what one can actually do. Doing well implies mastering and applying the skills - professional, personal and human - required for effective decision-making and execution. IBS trains the students in these skills through a series of soft-skills lab sessions scheduled over the duration of the program.

In addition, case-based learning at IBS helps students develop good analytical skills.