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Seminar/Webinar Title

IBS hosts weekly seminars across all departments, providing a platform for faculty members and researchers to present their ongoing research, new findings, or critical analyses on topics relevant to their fields. These seminars foster intellectual exchange and keep participants informed about the latest developments in their areas of expertise. Each session typically concludes with an open discussion, allowing for insightful debates and knowledge-sharing among attendees.

Operations and IT

Supply chain integration and performance paradox: is relational performance the missing link?

Operations and IT

Impact of machine learning on the productivity of employees in workplace

Operations and IT

An Integrated Machine Learning and DEMATEL Approach for Feature Preference and Purchase Intension Modelling

Operations and IT

Multi-homing Dynamics in Digital Payment Adoption: An Analytical Hierarchy Process Approach in the Indian Context.

Operations and IT

Network-Driven Monitoring Of Covid-19 Outbreak At Airports Via Blockchain Technology Adoption

Operations and IT

Network-Driven Monitoring Of Covid-19 Outbreak At Airports Via Blockchain Technology Adoption


Does Sustainable Leadership help increase Organisational Citizenship Behaviour of employees in the service sector? Role of Employer Brand Equity, Individual Sustainability Orientation and Role Clarity


How does rural tourism experience affect green consumption in terms of memorable rural-based tourism experiences, connectedness to nature, and environmental awareness


The Impact of Pandemic on Online Buying Behavior in the Context of Retailing


Sustainable business models and innovation strategies to realize them: A review of 87 empirical cases


How CSR Leads to Corporate Brand Equity: Mediating Mechanisms of Corporate Brand Credibility and Reputation.

HR and OB

Workplace spirituality and adversity quotient: A conceptual framework

HR and OB

Role of artificial intelligence in human resource outsourcing

HR and OB

Unlocking the Potential: The Impact of Inclusive Leadership in Modern Organization

HR and OB

Social Support Scale Development for Job Seekers in India: A Multidimensional Approach

HR and OB

A Bibliometric Analysis of the Current State and Future Trends of Generative AI among Teachers


Assessing Fit and Viability of Digital Rupee Adoption in Banks: Perspective of Bankers


Navigating the Paradox: Digital Transformation, Macroeconomic Output, and Productivity Growth in G-20 Economies


Perceived Risk Act as an Antecedent towards the Usage of Digital Payment System


Performance Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms on Financial Data


Cross Listing and Non-Compliance with mandatory CSR expenditure regulation

Raising Nationalism and the future of Globalisation

India’s Investment climate

Environment and Economic Development

Relationship between CPI&WPI


The sharing Economy: Overview, significance & impact

Inflation Targeting

Recent trends in Insurance sector

Economic Consequences of COVID 19

Repo and Reverse Repo


Regional Imbalances in India

Relationship between City Size and Firm Productivity

Market structures

Non-performing Assets: Causes and Remedies

Philips Curve: Tradeoff between Inflation & Unemployment

Issues in India’s External Sector

Reforms and Transformation of the Monetary & Banking sector

Unemployment in India: Concept, Measurement and Trends

Three decades of Economic Reforms in India

Round Table on “Challenges for the policy makers in the context of uneven global economic recovery

Examining the factor structure of quality of Technical Education :Evidence from Punjab State of India

Women Empowerment in Informal sector: In COVID and Post COVID in India