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Seminar Topic

Raising Nationalism and the future of Globalisation

India’s Investment climate


Environment and Economic Development

Relationship between CPI&WPI


The sharing Economy: Overview, significance & impact

Inflation Targeting

Recent trends in Insurance sector

Economic Consequences of COVID 19

Repo and Reverse Repo


Regional Imbalances in India

Relationship between City Size and Firm Productivity

Market structures

Non-performing Assets: Causes and Remedies

Philips Curve: Tradeoff between Inflation & Unemployment

Issues in India’s External Sector

Reforms and Transformation of the Monetary & Banking sector

Unemployment in India: Concept, Measurement and Trends

Three decades of Economic Reforms in India

Round Table on “Challenges for the policy makers in the context of uneven global economic recovery

Examining the factor structure of quality of Technical Education :Evidence from Punjab State of India

Women Empowerment in Informal sector: In COVID and Post COVID in India