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All these case studies are developed for Management, Science and Technology, Social Studies and other related programs and allied disciplines.

15000+Books Published
7000Case Studies
27+Magazines & Journals
Dr. Vighneswara Swamy – IBSAF Best Teacher for the year 2016-17, given by IBSAF
Dr. Radha Mohan – IBSAF Best Teacher for Institutional Development for the year 2016-17, given by IBSAF
Dr. Venu Gopal Rao – IBSAF Best Teacher for Institutional Development for the year 2016-17, given by IBSAF
Prof. S Vijayalakshmi was awarded 'The Women in Education Award' for the year 2016, by Business School Affaire & Dewang Mehta National Education Awards. The award is given to women individuals in recognition for their extraordinary work and achievements in academics. The award consists of a citation, certificate and cash award. The award was presented
Dr. Samyadip Chakraborty and Chakravorty T was awarded Best paper award under the Healthcare Track, for the title ‘Linking physician involvement, patient satisfaction and patient loyalty: An empirical investigation about role of physician autonomy in Indian healthcare context’, International conference on Management Ergonomics Safety and Healthcare (MESH 2016)
Dr. Santanu Mandal was awarded Best paper award under the Healthcare Systems track, for the title ‘Exploring the Inter-Relationship among Dynamic Capabilities in Healthcare Supply Chains and Performance’, at International Conference on Management of Ergonomic Design, Industrial Safety and Healthcare Systems held at IIT Kharagpur
- Dr. K Venkateswara Rao was awarded 2 nd Best Paper award for the title ‘Studying the influence of various factors affecting the Indian Agricultural Supply Chain and developing a sustainable Supply Chain Model’ at the Cold Chain Logistics Seminar, October 7, 2016, University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun.
- Dr. S V Seshaiah – IBSAF Best Teacher for Institutional Development for the year 2015-16, given by IBSAF, on Teacher’s Day, 2016.
- Dr. Sudhakar Reddy – IBSAF Best Teacher given by IBS Alumni, on Teacher's Day, 2016.
- Dr. Jighyasu Gaur, IBSAF Best Teacher award, given by IBS Alumni, on Teacher's Day, 2016.
- . Dr. Satish Kumar, received NJ Yasaswy-Apollo Hospitals Best Teacher Award for overall excellence in teaching, research, industry interface, and institutional development for the academic year 2015-16.
- Dr. Aviral Kumar Tiwari has been selected for the ‘Prof. M J Manohar Rao Award’ for the year 2014. The award instituted by The Indian Econometric Society (TIES) is given to young researchers below the age of 35 years, to encourage high quality research. The award was presented at the 52nd Annual Conference of the Indian Econometric Society, held at IIM, Kozhikode, during January 4-6, 2016.
- Dr. Vighneswara Swamy was selected for award of Macro Research Fellowship for the year 2015-16, for his research proposal titled ‘A Study on the Effectiveness of Transmission of Monetary Policy Rates in India’.
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IUP Publications
- In a rapidly transforming economic and business environment, fast-paced innovations and new ideas are redefining the existing business variables giving birth to new ways of doing business.
- These publications are designed to cater to the needs of executives, managers, professionals, practitioners, entrepreneurs, advocates, academia, and students
IBS Center for Management Research (ICMR)
- IBS Centre for Management Research (ICMR) is a premier case development center developing high-quality teaching cases in Management.
- IBS Hyderabad, which has consistently ranked among the leading B-Schools in India, has adopted the case study method wholeheartedly and is the only one in India to offer a unique 100% case-based MBA.